Monday, October 18, 2010

Which 'Butt Enhancement Recipe' Do You Want?

* "I want to Firm, Shape & Lift My Butt, and Get Rid of the Cellulite..."
* "I want to Reduce, Slim & Tone My Butt, and Get Rid of Cellulite..."
* "I want to Build a Bigger, Rounder, Fuller, Perkier Butt..."
* "I want a little bit of everything for my Butt..."

Dear Butt & Body Enhancement Seeker...

Whichever Butt Enhancement Recipe you have chosen above - by the end of this article, not only will you have your personal Butt Enhancement Recipe - but you'll be able to put it into use immediately and start getting the exact results you desire...

I know how anxious you are - so let's get started...

Don't Ignore 'The Sign'

A Beautiful Body Starts With a Sexy Butt

"I want to stop dressing like a frumpy old lady just to cover up my horrible butt! I want my butt to be perky, firm, tight and sexy - is that too much to ask?"

Those are the exact words of Sandra Corsten (age = 58 y.o.), as written on her 'Primary Goals' form during her initial personal training assessment and start-up interview with me back in January of 2000. Sandra reached her main goal of fixing her flabby, droopy and un-sexy butt by the third week of February of that same year... just 3 and a half weeks later - and most importantly, she successfully maintains it to this day...

Sandra's experience along with that of many other women in the same frustrating situation - are what motivated me to write this article today.

I recently had the privilege of selling my womens' personal training center, in St Johns, Florida, to work full time from the comfort of my own home, as a fitness/fat-loss writer, consultant and consumer advocate for women - a lifelong dream of mine...

While cleaning out all the folders and files of the female clients I've worked with over the past 16 years - I made an amazing discovery that's going help you in ways you could only imagine until now...

I started going through stacks of the initial fitness assessments from female clients I've trained, since 1992 - when I first started my personal training company...

Old Fitness Documents Reveal the Secret to

Womens' Butt and Body Enhancement
While doing this, I uncovered something so insightful - so powerful - that I had to share it with you because it reveals the precise solution for the typical woman who is unhappy and depressed with the condition of her entire butt area.

In the questionnaires I couldn't help but notice how many women were listing some kind of desired improvement with their butt... It was something I never quite picked up during my full-time training days - I guess I was 'too close to see it'...

But even more surprising was this...

These women who listed their butt as the # 1 priority for improvement - had the highest percentage of overall success in regards to achieving their butt and body improvement goals - most of which had to do with getting their bodies into firmly toned and tightly sculpted shape - WITH primary emphasis on the BUTTOCKS region - while still maintaining an attractive, feminine look...
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